// Ehlvest comments on Chess WC: What happened to Kasim <a href="www.ehlvestchessgates.com">My homepage!</a>

Ehlvest comments on Chess WC

Jaan Ehlvest is one of the few Grand Masters who has higher education. Graduated as psychologist he tries to give deeper insight to chess fans about what is really going on inside the ego of great players. Jaan Ehlvest's own psychology is explored in his autobiography "The story of a chess player". My homepage!

  • Ehlvest Chessgates
  • New York Chess Club
  • Thursday, October 06, 2005

    What happened to Kasim

    In round seven in the game Topalov-Kasim Black got nice position after the opening and I suspected that Kasim was just waiting for a draw offer. Topalov most probably was thinking about it but just played some more chess, moves like Nf3-h2-g4 looked very innocent indeed. Kasim was too relaxed and when he played h7-h6? and followed by Nf6xg4? suddenly from nowhere White had some play on c1-h6 diagonal. Now Topalov did not give him any chance for survival. Yes playing with the top (Topalov) player you should be alert all the time.
    Anand is not good defender.Why to play f7-f5 and at the end you have just a a bad position. Black could not do much but I hardly believe that White had more than just enough compensation.
    Adams, sorry but this is the end of his chess career. You get wounded and in next tournament they do not respect you any more. Anand is in the same danger. We will see the second part of the tournament-Anand, Adams do they strike back and everybody is looking forward what our chess Federer can do. I heard rumors that Garry the great is coming back because in politics they do not admire him so much as he is used to be. I am in Reykjavik and I saw Bobby already-more news about him next week.


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